Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino
International Festival Signs of the Night - Urbino

6° Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino - November 28th - December 4th, 2022

20th International Festival Signs of the Night - Italy



Forget Me Not
Non ti scordar di me
Giuseppe Petruzzellis, Fabio Marin
Italy / 2021 / 0:12:20

Gilda is a middle aged woman, mother and wife. One day she realizes she's having problems setting the table. These are her first symptoms of Alzheimer's. The stages of the disease become a stream of images on the breach of oblivion. Standing in front of her own disintegration, Gilda's only foothold is love.



The Main Award deservedly goes to "Forget Me Not" for its sensitive portrayal of an increasingly serious subjeject, one that highlights widespread suffering in families. The subliminal premise builds up to a poignant and conscientious plea for sympathy and understanding, while at the same time being neither preachy nor sentimental.


The Signs Award honours films, which treat an important subject in an original and convincing way

Who, What and When?
Francesco Vecchi
Italy, Belgium, France / 2021 / 0:14:06

Ten years after the failed revolution of Tahrir Square in Egypt, Al-Sisi’s regime continues to practice forced disappearance, imprisonment without trial, torture. Shaimaa and Ahmed, activists in exile, and Mohamed Lotfy, who still live in Cairo, continue to fight to denounce the current government and those who, masquerading behind declarations of façade, arm and finance it




The Sign Award honors "Who, What and When?" for the creative style in animation to approach sensitive political issues and revealing state machineries of power in action. This governmental power is fueled and sustained by international politics and economics nevertheless.


Coming from a documentary film, the difficulty of this short was first of all the risk of making it a kind of trailer. So I wanted to deviate by focusing on an aspect that was barely mentioned in the long version : the sale of arms. Narratively, I was also interested in introducing a theme (the suppression of protests by young Egyptians) and then dealing with another topic (the responsibility of foreign countries in supplying arms to a dictatorship). This approach helped me come up with an 'aesthetic idea : the blue of the European flag would characterize the image of the film and would reveal only at the end the meaning of its use.


The Night Award honours films, which are able to balance ambiguity and complexity characterized by enigmatic mysteriousness
and subtleness, which keeps mind and consideration moving

Luca Sorgato
Italy / 2020 / 0:19:33

Weak and battered, a man wakes up near a railway. The pale sun looks like it doesn’t feel like rising. The man walks through deserted places and stumbles into a plastic bag containing items from his past. He gets into a courtyard of a house and phones a woman. The sun washes over him with all its strength.



The Night Award goes to "Sbadigli" for the obscure embodiment of memory through light and shadow and the embellishing of mysterious symbols, turning them into allegories. The central character is well written and performed romantically, transforming the sun into a form of survival and shelter.



Giada Bossi
France, Italy / 2021 / 0:18:00

In a small provincial village in the north, Nina, a shy and insecure young gymnast secretly adores Gio, another popular and casual girl from the village. When Gio realizes Nina's awe towards her, he decides to make her an adept, in an ambiguous and abusive game, disorienting Nina, who, subjugated, finds herself at the mercy of Gio's manipulations and whims, which will lead her to a point of no return, from which he will never be able to free himself, not even by changing his life and city.



A Special Mention is awarded to "Creatura" for the incredible achievements with the narrative and the performance, touching on important topics such as bullying and manipulation among youth. With a fluid camera and multiple close-ups, it reveals deep emotions while making use of body language. The sound design and the music, together with the choreography, adds to a great cinematic experience.


Gita di famiglia
Francesco Della Ventura
Italy / 2021 / 0:19:01

Pietro takes his family out to lunch. They don’t imagine that the choice of the restaurant is not accidental. Olga, Pietro’s lover, with whom he hasn’t spoken in a month, works there. Pietro is willing to risk his whole life to make things right between the two of them.





"Family Trip (Gita di famiglia)" is awarded a Special Mention for successfully combining suspense with humor. The narrative progressively creates tension with twists and turns and appropriate characterisations. Ultimately, it is perfectly structured for the short film format in both its story, length and denouement.


Thank you very much for the special mention and especially for the beautiful motivation. Here are my notes on the film. Everyday life contains magical elements that can suddenly reveal themselves. Auroral moments, so full of meaning that they leave us confused and disoriented, with the feeling of having had a brief bird's-eye view of our lives. Like an epiphany that is hard to decode. With this film I wanted to tell one of those moments. I wanted to tell the moment in which, for some reason, ordinary life takes on an epic dimension. The epic of the trivial, so to speak, or better still the epic of the normal. Pietro is desperate, with his back against the wall, he doesn't know how to get out of a situation he has thrown himself into and which he is unable to resolve. He's got the suicidal attitude of those who almost hope that events will take over. And throwing himself into the void with his eyes closed, Pietro understands that the universe itself has sent him a signal: his actions have consequences, not only for his family, but for the whole world. Thank you, and see you soon .


The Signs Award honours films, which treat an important subject in an original and convincing way

This Is Fine
Gianmarco Nepa
Italy / 2021 / 0:03:05

A family is having dinner while watching tv: disturbing images of natural disasters keep showing up. They remain silent and indifferent, already numbed by everyday news.




The Mention in the Sign Award goes to "This is Fine" for the ability of turning a simple subject into a perfectly formatted visual, steered by a flawless sound design. Furthermore, it creates a communicative language that resonates with its own vowels and consonants.


The Signs Award honours films, which treat an important subject in an original and convincing way

Alessandro Di Maio
Italy / 2021 / 0:10:00

Bardo in tibetan means intermediate state, and indicates the condition of transition between two states. This film is a journey that reflects on the concepts of Life and Death, of Transition, of Life as a Dream, and of all the illusions that manifest in our lives. It is an invitation to connect with a deeper sense of understanding, found within the space between each sound and image. The audiovisual stream becomes a resonating bridge to the Unseen and Unheard, to a knowledge we know exists, but of which we are habitually unaware. There is an alternative way of experiencing this film, which is to watch it twice, first blindfolded, and then with eyes open. By removing the sense of sight the first time, much more attention is given to the sound stream. Stripped of their ability to "see" outwardly, the audience gains space to picture moments and memories according to their own sensibility.
This internal manifestation, this dance of light and color that occurs in the "mind’s eye" in reaction to the soundscapes, becomes a shadow-play of subconscious imagery, replacing "the real" imposed by the eye, by "the possible one" suggested by the ear. As such, the ear becomes the new "sensitive eye", one which is born out of the enhanced combination of external sounds and internally perceived light. The sound will break this light into rarefied shadows, and will introduce the listener to one of the main topics of the film: reality, as we know it, could be nothing but a dream.



"Bardo" is awarded a Sign Award Mention because of its studied interpretation and excellent visualization of a mystical Tibetan text. The creative use of animation, haunting sounds and captivating voice-over combine to give a hypnotic effect and thereby encourages repeated viewing to unravel the spirit within.


Death for many cultures represents a great taboo, often instilled with fear and terror. With "Bardo" I wanted to pay hommage to a spiritual teaching that changed my life drastically. This spiritual teaching is connected with Tibetan Buddhism, and it's called Dzogchen. I think that seeing death as a transition rather than as an ending is a very meaningful reflection to do, regardless of religion, spiritual paths and so on. I wanted to create a subtle and deep meditative journey in those topics, without giving specific guidelines, but letting the spectator resonate with the audiovisual stream connected to this precious spiritual text. I'm honored to receive the "Signs Award" mention in this beautiful film festival, among with a selection of incredible films. I made this film wishing to connect to realities like this. I hope that I will be able to share with you soon my future works.


The Night Award honours films, which are able to balance ambiguity and complexity characterized by enigmatic mysteriousness
and subtleness, which keeps mind and consideration moving

Andrea Grasselli
Italy / 2021 / 0:30:44

The film connects the life of a hermit shepherd and the ritual of Zenerù, with which Alpine communities chase winter away, evoking the indissoluble link between the agro-pastoral world and cyclical time.




The Night Mention Award goes to "Zeneru" for the ritual elements used to create a beautiful visual poetry about a shepherd and his relationship with nature. The ability to build trust with the shepherd in order to film his daily routine is commended in a long-time relationship to create non-dialog narratives which speak volumes about cultural heritage.


The Night Award honours films, which are able to balance ambiguity and complexity characterized by enigmatic mysteriousness and subtleness, which keeps mind and consideration moving

L' Incanto
Chiara Caterina
Italy / 2021 / 0:20:00

The voices of five women gradually fill the sound space of the film, weaving a pattern: These voices deal, in different ways, with the relationship to life through the discourse of death.




The Mention in the Night Award goes to "Enchantment" for the capability of turning cinematic momentum into sheer emotions through a visual lullaby. The voice-over collage is mind-wandering and reflects the importance of questions in life.