Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino
International Festival Signs of the Night - Urbino
video video video video video

17° Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino (3° Editione) - November 26-30, 2019



Andrea Laquidara Italy


Andrea Laquidara (Messina, 1976) è regista e documentarista indipendente. Vive e lavora a Urbino da circa vent’anni.

Ha diretto, tra gli altri, i documentari Cono d’ombra (Tre giorni a Srebrenica) (Festival di Valdarno 2011 e Trani Film Festival 2011), Il tempo di guardare. Il tempo di vedere (Appunti per un documentario sulla Bosnia Erzegovina), Fuori dalle mura (Premio del Pubblico Visual Festival di Roma 2015), Gabbiani. Allestimento di uno spettacolo per migranti (Mostra del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro 2019), e i cortometraggi Ansia (Fano Film Festival 2012 e Festival di Valdarno 2012) e Non ora (Lanùs International Film Festival 2018 di Buenos Aires e Berlin Liberi Film Festival 2018 ) .

Insegna Storia del Cinema, nell’ambito del Master Professionisti del linguaggio cinematografico: critica, regia, didattica dell’immagine in movimento, presso l’Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo.

È ideatore e coordinatore del laboratorio di regia Fuori tempo e direttore artistico del festival L’intervallo fra le cose. I luoghi della narrazione cinematografica.


Gio Kaptra Italy


Gio Kaptra is a filmmaker and visual artist. He produced shortfilms both as director and cinematographer. In international film festivals at Nice 2019 and Athens 2017, he won awards for "best cinematography" and "best art film" with two shortfilms. Nominations from NY and LA comprised categories of: original story; cinematography; location set and body design.

GK realized video-projections on tulle for the scenes of lyric operas in live theatrical performances, based on arias and dance recitals of renaissance music. He also realized shortfilms based on dance performances of arias by renaissance music composers such as Monteverdi, Barbara Strozzi, etc.

. He lives and works in Urbino.



Andrea Mandelli Italy

Andrea N. E. Mandelli was born in Italy in 1960.

In 1986 he graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Urbino. In 1995 he acquired the qualification of Multilingual Programmer. Teacher tutor of the National Plan ISS (Teaching Experimental Sciences) from 2006 to 2012. Project Tutor in the National Project Quality and Merit for Mathematics from 2010 to 2011.

He teaches mathematics and science in secondary schools covering, among other things, the role of coordinator, responsible for "Computerization, digitization and web publishing" and digital animator. The search for and the interest in alternative forms of communication to verbal and effective information media is the basis of his professional career.



Festival international SIGNES DE NUIT - 18, rue Budé 75004 Paris - France - Tel : +33 (0) 1 40 46 92 25 - +33 (0) 6 84 40 84 38 - cood.int@signesdenuit.com